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Photo Booth Rental in Raleigh NC


The photo booth was a critical part of entertainment back in the day. People would look up to spending days at the beach or a fair show because they would carry home the emotions of the event. People have shifted from having photo booths to capturing memories using their digital devices. The downside of personal digital tools is that you miss the fun and customization of the traditional photo booth.


It would be odd to include attire such as masks, hats, wigs, and feather boas when you are merely taking a group photo. The booth allows all sorts of unique additions. The traditional booth has evolved to accommodate the love of social media and digital entertainment.


How the photo booth changed?


Previous modes


The previous booth models worked when users dropped coins into the machine. The camera would snap photos and produce printouts immediately afterward. They were fixed at the event’s premises and would be a critical addition in birthday parties, launching events and other celebratory functions. You would also find public booths in enclosed spaces like a telephone booth.  


Current modes


The digital photo booth has variations in the setup. Some require that you insert a coin while others have a more automated function. A massive difference in the new photo booth rental in Raleigh NC is the ability to change the following aspects:


  • Lighting

  • The backdrop

  • Angle

  • Availability of seats

  • Blue screen

  • Availability of fans for a windblown effect

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Users then choose photos with a touch screen or pen and select the final ones to print. They can add stamps, clip art, borders, and different backdrops. The photo booth manages to stay relevant by including the beloved filters, as used on Instagram, Snapchat, and other major social media platforms. Other editing functions include:


  • Animated GIF

  • Videos in slow motion

  • Addition of flipbooks to print

  • Virtual dressing

  • Removal of the green background

  • Recognition of facial gestures

  • Virtual props

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Some have advanced options to allow enhancement of specific features using a touch screen or pen. You can brighten the eyes, add color to lips, change hair color, and fix blemishes. The final product is a shiny and sparkly image that marries both the traditional and modern booth ideologies.

The printing process allows users to choose the size and number of desired pictures. Some photo booths can send photographs to digital devices like mobile phones and tablets. Others will enable the scanner and laptop at the cashier’s desk to scan and copy images before splitting them for the group.


Cool Cliq photo booth is the one you book when you want the resemblance of a red carpet photo session. It has exquisite backdrop features, authoritative lighting sources, and modern props that fit perfectly on the Instagram page.

Our creative group is a necessity for your exquisite function with guests who will enjoy highly pixelated photos and superior editing. The quirky props are not in the least bit tacky and will blend with a corporate vent. The photo booth rental in Raleigh NC can go on for several days at a multi-day event.



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